Somnath Phulari Brokerage Limited is a public limited company incorporated under companies act 2013 Government of India.

Although our form is corporate, our attitude is partnership.Dr. Kailas Bavale [ Chairman] and I Som Jahgirdar [ CEO ] think of our shareholders as owner- partners, and ourselves as managing partners….. We do not view the company itself as the owner of our business assets but instead view the company as a conduit through which our shareholders own the asset

We managing partners embrace stewardship as a way of life and treat our stakeholders as partners not patsies.

Jouney So Far

FEB 2017

Got Certificate of Incorporation for a public limited company from MCA government of India

APR 2018

Acquired SEBI license for Stock Broker

MAR 2019

Acquired SEBI license for Depository Participant

April 2023

Stared Operations in Bombay

Open Demat Account in just 5 Minutes