Somnath Phulari Brokerage Limited is a public limited company incorporated under companies act 2013 Government of India.
Although our form is corporate, our attitude is partnership.Dr. Kailas Bavale [ Chairman] and I Som Jahgirdar [ CEO ] think of our shareholders as owner- partners, and ourselves as managing partners….. We do not view the company itself as the owner of our business assets but instead view the company as a conduit through which our shareholders own the asset
We managing partners embrace stewardship as a way of life and treat our stakeholders as partners not patsies.
Jouney So Far
FEB 2017
Got Certificate of Incorporation for a public limited company from MCA government of India
APR 2018
Acquired SEBI license for Stock Broker
MAR 2019
Acquired SEBI license for Depository Participant
April 2023
Stared Operations in Bombay